I Can Win With Weight
A 90-day guide to losing weight and feeling great!
Buy Now For $7.00
When you purchase I Can Win With Weight you’ll also get:
- A custom workout plan (including printouts) to help you get physically fit
- Access to a private Facebook Group for encouragement and support on your fitness journey
- A workout playlist featuring some of my favorite songs
Five Step Plan To Lose Weight & Feel Great

Step #1
Begin by telling yourself you CAN do this! (It all begins with a mindset!)
Step #2
Eliminate all soda's (including diet drinks), sweet tea and alcohol for at least a week (this will produce STUNNING results.)
Step #3
Cut out ALL sweets and wheats (bread) after 2pm.
Step #4
Set a specific weight loss goal (how much do you want to lose, and by what date?)
Step #5
Develop a plan and GO FOR IT!
If you want a plan that will work and will produce results - then click on the "buy now" button as I know my plan will absolutely help you to win with weight.
The Suppliments I've Used To Accelerate & Maintain Results
Weight Loss Value Pak
This pak is YOUR best value for healthy weight loss, better body composition and optimal health.
- Weight loss
- Better body composition
30 Day Starter Pak
This 30 Day cleansing and fat burning “starter pak” is ideal for individuals who want to lose weight.
- Experience consistent weight loss
- Satisfy cravings for unhealthy food
- Improve muscle tone
Performance Pak
Getting serious about my fitness, I realized that nutrition was 80% of the plan. This Pak offers a mix of nutrients, energy boosters, and high-quality protein for muscle growth and recovery to support you in achieving a tighter, leaner physique, and optimal performance.
- Builds and maintains lean muscle
- Enhances performance; helps you recover faster
About Perry
I used to HATE the way I looked! I was too embarrassed to take off my shirt at the pool or lake. I felt like nothing fit me right, no matter the clothing line. And I was completely insecure about what other people thought about the way I looked.
My battle with weight and food began pretty early on in life and continued on as I grew up. By the time I was 15 years old, I weighed over 300 pounds and wore a size 50 in the waist! Though I was able to lose some of this weight in adulthood, my weight and how I looked was a constant struggle.
It wasn’t until more recently in my life that I learned the right combination of eating, exercising, and caring for my health that led me to lose weight AND keep it off! Not only that, but I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life!
The good news is I believe YOU can also win with weight and begin feeling great again! That’s why I wrote this book - to help YOU win with weight!
In I Can Win With Weight, you’ll find…
- My personal journey from fat to fit.
- Scientifically-backed information on eating and exercising.
- The same exercise and eating plans that helped me lose over 40 pounds in 18 months.
- Spiritual principles to help you live the healthiest life possible.
- And more!